white ginger (Zingiber Officianle), Essential oil, skin balmAbstract
Is a rubbing medicine sith concentration like ointments, while ointments are semi-solid form intended for topical use of the skin or mucous membranes that function to protect or relax the skin and relieve pain or tenderness. The purpose of this research is to find out the essensial oil of while ginger (Zingiber Officianle) that can be formulated as a balm dosage form. This study was using an experimental research method that is an experimental activity that aims to find out a symptom or effect that aries, as a result of the existentce of certain treatments. By using various concentrations of concentrations ranging from 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% formulations using several balm evaluation test including organoleptic test, homogenety test, pH test, irritation test for volunteer skin, hedonic test. The results obtained from 10 respondenst showed that the formula 20% was preferres compared to the formula 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% due to the addition of more of white ginger essential oil so that it has a stronger white ginger aroma. for irritation test there was no irritation in the respondent, the ph test results obtained an average ph of 6 for each concentration in the test as many as 3 repetitions over 6 weeks. In the organoleptic test have a uniform, homogeneous aroma, odor and color. The conclusion based on the results of the study concluded that the essential oil of shite ginger (Zingiber Officianle) can be formulated in a balm dosage form and the good form is a dosage with a concentration of 20%. It is suggested to further researcher to carry out further testing so that the formulation of balm dosage form from the essential oils of white ginger can be observed its use as traditional medicine
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