
  • Hormat Janner Manurung Politeknik Tiara Bunda


Oxygen saturation; Respiratory comorbidity; Post-general anesthesia


Background: Patients with co-morbidities of the respiratory system have a higher risk of post-anesthesia complications, one of which is complications of the respiratory system. Low oxygen saturation values (<94%) can cause hypoxia and even tissue death, wich effect the post operative healing process. Objective: To find out the oxygen saturation of patients with co-morbidities of the respiratory system after undergoing general anesthesia in Khidmat Sehat Afiat Hospital Depok City. Methods: This study employed a descriptive observational design with a time series approach, involving 58 patients who met the inclusion criteria and were selected through a consecutive sampling technique in the operating room at Buleleng District Hospital. Data were collected using an observation sheet and pulse oximetry and analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: Among the 58 respondents, 7 patients (12.1%) experienced hypoxia after general anesthesia during the 5th-minute observation; in which these respondents were male, aged 46-65 years with pneumonia, ASA III E, type of cito surgery with the duration of operation >120 minutes, ETT anesthetic technique, using postanesthesia rebreathing mask, had excessive activity and CRT value >2 seconds. Meanwhile, during the 15th and 30th-minute observations, all respondents showed normal oxygen saturation. The incidence of hypoxia can be prevented by proper management of oxygenation. Pre-operative evaluation should be carried out properly to reduce the risk of post-anesthesia complications


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How to Cite

Manurung, H. J. (2023). GAMBARAN SATURASI OKSIGEN PASIEN DENGAN PENYAKIT PENYERTA RESPIRASI PASCA GENERAL ANESTESI. Journal of Anesthesiology Tiara Bunda, 1(2), 1–17. Retrieved from