Gambaran Perubahan Hemodinamika Pada Pasien General Anestesi Menggunakan Isoflurane dan Sevaloflurane Di RS X Palembang
Isoflurane; Sevoflurane; General AnesthesiaAbstract
It is very important to monitor hemodynamics, especially during general anesthesia because generally anesthesia will cause various kinds of disturbances to body systems and organs. The use of inhalation anesthesia using isoflurane and cefoflurane can cause the effect of lowering blood pressure so strict monitoring is required in its use. The aim of this study was to determine the description of hemodynamic changes in general anesthesia patients using isoflurane and sevoflurane at RS X Palembang. The research design used is non-experimental quantitative research using descriptive methods. The population in this study was 191 patients who underwent surgery using isoflurane and sevoflurane inhalation anesthesia, with a sample size of 62. The data analysis used in this study was univariate analysis. The results of previous hemodynamic observations of patients were the average systolic blood pressure before anesthesia was given, namely 135.5 mmHg, the average diastolic blood pressure was 81.0 mmHg, the average pulse was 82.7, the average temperature was 36.6, the average respiration was 21.0 and the results The patient's hemodynamic observations afterwards were an average systolic blood pressure of 108.8 mmHg. The average diastolic blood pressure was 68.4 mmHg. The average pulse is 67.1. The average temperature after anesthesia was given was 36.3 and the average respiration was 21.0. The conclusion of this study is that there were hemodynamic changes in patients before and after general anesthesia using isoflurane and sevoflurane at RS X Palembang
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