Factors Influencing; Secondary Spontaneous Pneumothorax; Length of StayAbstract
Background: Pneumothorax is the presence of abnormal air in the pleural cavity, which is between the visceral and parietal pleura. Spontaneous pneumothorax itself is divided into two, namely: primary spontaneous pneumothorax (PSP) and secondary spontaneous pneumothorax (PSS). Secondary spontaneous pneumothorax is a pneumothorax that occurs in people who have primary disease. The incidence rate of PSS is 6.3 male cases and 2 female cases per 100,000 patients with a male to female ratio of 3:1. Methods: This research is an quantitative analytical research with a cross sectional approach. The data used is medical record data of patients with secondary spontaneous pneumothorax at the Bhayangkara Brimob. Results: The results of chi square analysis regarding the relationship between characteristics and length of stay in hospital showed a p-value of 0.388 (age) and 0.935 (gender). The relationship between primary disease and length of stay in hospital was found to have a p-value of 0.475. The relationship between the area of the pneumothorax and the length of stay in hospital was found to have a p-value of 0.000. The relationship between chest tube size and length of stay was found to have a p-value of 0.565. The relationship between the use of continuous suction and the length of stay in hospital was found to be p-value 0.186. There is a relationship between the extent of the pneumothorax and the length of stay for patients with secondary spontaneous pneumothorax at the Bhayankara Brimob area general hospital. There was no relationship to length of stay such as: patient characteristics, primary disease, chest tube size, use of continuous suction
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