
  • Yohana Saputra Politeknik Tiara Bunda


Respiratory Failure, NIV, Intubation, P/F Ratio, pCO2, Respiratory Rate


Respiratory Failure is defi ned as respiratory system inability to compensate oxygenation, ventilation and metabolic needs of the patient. In respiratory distress patient who needs intubation and sedation, it is highly related with the incidence of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) and would increases the number of morbidity and mortality. Recently, NIV is one of alternative option for respiratory failure. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of NIV and specify proportion on respiratory failure patients in ICU. Objective: This research is to knowing association between duration of mechanical ventilator use with mortality in ICU can help reducing the factors that cause patient’s mortality in ICU. Methods: This research was done prospectively with randomized controlled trial parallel design. Randomization was performed by permutation block. The sample was 30 adult patients. Samples were recorded by clinical respiration changes, haemodynamic stability, and blood gas analysis. Each data will be analyzed by T test. For data proportion, it will be underwent chi-square test. Results: Demographic characteristic (age, sex, body mass index, operative status, APACHE II score) of the patients were similar in two groups (p>0.05). Based on the t-count for P/F ratio, pCO2 level and respiratory rate before and after given NIV = 0.010.05, we can conclude there were no statistically significant. This could be happened due to 3 hours evaluation is not enough, so it would not give a fast improvement to clinical respiration and acid-base status. In the fi rst 3-hour, NIV treatment in respiratory failure patients in the ICU Dr Sardjito General Hospital had a better effect in improving clinical respiration, P/F ratio and reduce pCO2 value compared to mechanical ventilation with intubation.


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How to Cite

Saputra, Y. (2023). PERBANDINGAN EFEKTIFITAS TERAPI INVANSIF DAN NON-INVANSIF PADA PASIEN GAGAL NAPAS AKUT . Journal of Anesthesiology Tiara Bunda, 1(2), 40–50. Retrieved from