ICU, Mechanical Ventilation, Mortality PredictorAbstract
Based on the results of a preliminary study on July 1 2023, there were 27 patients admitted to the ICU in June 2023. Based on the findings, seven patients died in June. There were two surgical patients and five non-surgical patients among the seven medical records of patients who died in the ICU. The remaining seven patients who died were all over 55 years old and in the late elderly category. Objective: The aim of this study is to identify predictors of death for mechanically ventilated ICU patients in the ICU Room in 2023. Methods: This type of research is known as a retrospective cohort study. In this study, non-probability sampling was used with secondary data from medical records. The sample size in this study was 40 people. Methods and tools for collecting data from medical records. Results: Fisher's exact test was used to analyze the data, using a confidence level of 95%. Respondents aged 56-65 years 19 (47.5%), male gender 24 (60%), and experienced decreased awareness of GCS 3-4 20 (50%), and stroke comorbidities 15 (37.5%). The Fisher Exact test results showed that there was a significant relationship between age and patient mortality 0.007<0.05, gender and patient mortality 0.042<0.05, level of decreased consciousness and patient mortality 0.001<0.05, comorbidities and patient mortality 0.013<0. .05. It is estimated that nurses will strengthen their understanding of predictors of patient mortality in order to prevent complications in the mechanical ventilation room. patients and improve the quality of patient care in hospitals.
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