
  • Sofwan Politeknik Tiara Bunda


Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease


Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is the leading cause of chronic morbidity and mortality worldwide. More than 3 million people die of COPD, in 2012 accounted for 6% of all deaths worldwide (GOLD, 2017). COPD can affect social and psychological aspects as well as physical health. Anxiety, loss of control in self-reliance, changes in self-concept and respiratory barriers result in serious psychological changes, including fear of death and depression (Aydin, 2013). In addition there is a significant relationship between depression and anxiety with sleep quality of patients with chronic disease, the higher the degree of depression the worse the quality of sleep (Hasanah, Permatasari and Karota, 2016).

The condition of breathlessness during sleep causes the reticular activation system (SAR) to increase and release catecholamines such as norepinephrine which causes the individual to wake up. Insomnia and other disorders that result in sleep problems are often attributed to someone suffering from chronic illness. Sleep disorders that occur play a role in morbidity and impact on quality of life. Decreased quality of life can contribute to exacerbations and the risk of death.

This research uses "Quasy Experimental" method with non-randomized Pretest-Postest Control Group Design Design research. The population of this study was the patient of COPD in dr. H. Koesnadi Hospital and Bhayangkara Hospital at Bondowoso. Sampling was done by simple random sampling technique according to inclusion criteria with total 68 patients. SEFT therapy interventions were performed twice a week for 1 month. Instrument for anxiety using HARS, oxygen saturation using pulse oximetry and sleep quality using PSQI. Data analysis using Mann Whitney Test.

There were different anxiety levels (p 0,000), sleep quality (p 0.008) and there was no difference in oxygen saturation (p 0.136) after SEFT intervention. SEFT therapy has an effect on decreasing anxiety and improving sleep quality of COPD patients. After SEFT therapy, the body will relax. In addition the patient also has optimism, fortitude, and can take wisdom from the conditions experienced. Based on research results suggested to the hospital to make SEFT therapy as a study material in the implementation of nursing care to efforts to decrease anxiety and sleep quality disorders patients with COPD. For the nursing profession to apply SEFT therapy as an alternatife of nursing intervention in an effort to solve sleep anxiety and sleep quality problems of COPD patients


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